How to Stay Glammed during Work-From-HomeHow to Stay Glammed during Work-From-Home

Working from home can get disorienting. Suddenly you’ll realized that it’s already 6 p.m. and you are still in your pajamas. Sometimes you might even forget to shower! Working from home for a long period can make taking care of yourself the least priority. You probably think that no one can see you, so you do not have to prim yourself up. However, neglecting to take care of yourself can affect your performance in work and even in your personal life.

One of the secrets in achieving a healthy lifestyle while working from home is keeping yourself groomed. Try adapting the following tips to keep yourself healthy and glammed even at home.

Never skip shower

It may be an obvious tip, but regular routines, like taking a bath, are oftentimes thrown out the window. Work will be the first thing in your mind as soon as your eyes open from your sleep. So instead of rushing to your laptop after you wake up, start your day with a nice long shower. You will be surprised how energized you will be the whole day.


We know it. Exercise is the probably the last thing on your list during at home. Getting active while working from home seems like a big and daunting task. But, getting some physical activity gives you more energy, and will help your body keep fit and your skin fresh and glowing.

Accessorize and dress up

The beauty in working from home is that you do not have any dress code. But that does not mean you will keep on wearing the same shirt and pants for the entire week! To make yourself feel glammed, wear comfortable clothes that can make you feel great about yourself. And while you are at it, you can even for a little make-up and some ornate jewels and accessories so that you would be more confident during your virtual meetings!

Do not forget your hair and skin care

Staying at home all day can make your skin appear dull and boring. Work stress can even make you break out. To prevent this, pamper your skin and your hair with products that make them glow and healthy.

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